Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009

Father Medard, Swiss army trained...

This one is colourful, from 1934:
"Father Medard himself has got some Medical Training when servicing as a Sanitary Solider in the Swiss Army during the war. He got a Hospital Training in the town of Bale [Basel]. Moreover the said Fatehr took over the care of the Kibata Leper Camp after the death fo the late Father Werner Huber. He made all the injections himself against Leprosy, Yaws and syphilis and it was never heard that he made any mistakes in the treatment of his people."
Who signed? Father Medard himself.
By the way, and I do not claim this to be representative of the services offered in general, this is what a local Government representative mailed togehther with a copy of Medard's letter to a colleague of his:
"May I suggest that you inform him all patients must be treated irrespective of their religion."

It remains unclear what hase prompted this official to make this comment. In general, i am assured, and have not found much evidence differing from this, that patients in fact were medically treated irrespective of their religion.