Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2009

Documents of the day

> Are you interested in a nursing career? Think about it:
(from Tanganyika Territory Medical Dept. Circular No. 41/1951 re Nursing Training for [African] Girls, 1951)
"Nursing is one of the most satisfying careers for girls. The training which is given, in the prevention of sickness, by the promotion of personal and domestic hygiene, the welfare of children, and the care of the sick, is of great value througout a woman's whole life. Whether she devotes her time entriely to the care of her family or continues in general nursing work, she should be a powerful influence among her neighbours with her knowledge of healthy living and the care of children and so can do a very great deal to lessen the burden of ill-health on the community in which she lives."

>And here comes a straightforward answer:
(from a discussion in legislative council, 1937, Question by R.M.Gibbons, reply from the law specialists of the Territory through the Director of Medical Services):
Q6: Can a Native Dresser or a Native Dispenser perform a professional action on an individual without the consent of that individual?
Reply: No, Sir."